Promoting the health and performance of employees more systematically – consulting with Swisscom AG

Multi-stage absence analysis at Swisscom AG

Client: Martina Novo, Head of Corporate Health Swisscom AG

Effective employees are absolutely vital for business success. Many companies have realized that occupational health management pays off. But where do you begin to promote the health of employees in a company? An analysis of health-related absences can shed light on the matter.

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“My Work Day” – An innovative study on stress in the workplace

Smartphone-based diary study with time and event sampling

Client: Prof. Dr. Laurenz Meier, University of Neuchâtel

Many studies on the workplace only survey participating employees once (cross-sectional studies). The findings that can be obtained from such studies are limited for many reasons.

The diary study “My Work Day” seeks to gain a much more detailed glimpse into a day in the workplace. As part of this study, participants complete ?diaries? over a period of two weeks. This involves them answering several brief surveys on their smartphones during their work days. The participants receive the short surveys at certain times (time-based) or they themselves initiate an entry after having experienced a certain situation at work (event-based). The data obtained in this way provide insights into psychological processes at work; such insights could not previously be gained using conventional questionnaires.

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Career Advice 2.0

The Online Test Platform for Career Advice in Switzerland

Customer: SDBB | CSFO

With the Online Test Platform (OTP), the SDBB is providing Switzerland’s cantonal occupational, educational and career guidance services with a series of relevant, scientifically substantiated tools online for the first time. The OTP digitalises and centralises the execution, evaluation and graphical results response of aptitude-diagnostic tests in three different languages.

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Sustainable Workforce

A large, EU-funded collection of data in 9 European countries and the USA

Customer: University of Utrecht

Sustainable Workforce is a unique research project focusing on corporate investments in the fields of human and social capital, the management of a work-life balance, flexibility at work, the long-term employment of mature staff members and flexicurity in nine European countries, as well as the USA. The project is carried out by a team of researchers led by sociologist Prof. Tanja van der Lippe of the University of Utrecht, Netherlands. Bright Answer produced the software for this ambitious online research project.

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